Sunday, June 30, 2013

Paris: Some photos of Erik & Heather, the City, and Versailles

A few photos, a few stories.

Versailles, near Marie Antoinette's mansion. This swan was totally unafraid of humans.

The farm hamlet built to entertain Marie-Antoinette; still functions as a real farm.

Panoramic of Paris to the Southwest from Arc du Triomphe. Note Eiffel Tower and Heather.

 My favorite: Paris, WNW, with financial district in distance, Heather, and storm clouds.

Erik & Heather with Financial District behind, Arc du Triomphe

Erik & Heather, Arc du Triomphe, with Eiffel Tower behind

Champs du Mars, from Middle of Eiffel Tower

Erik & Heather from Middle of Eiffel Tower

 Erik & Heather from Middle of Eiffel Tower

Palace of something or rather... NW of Eiffel Tower

Seine, looking west from Eiffel Tower

Heather, very happy from Eiffel Tower

Heather, very happy from Eiffel Tower

Erik, sweaty on Eiffel Tower

Heather on our lovely boat cruise-dinner on the Seine

Erik on our lovely boat cruise-dinner on the Seine, too hungry to pose

Heather on the boat cruise, night has fallen, approaching the Eiffel Tower

Grainy but well-composed shot of the Eiffel Tower on approach. The thing is actually quite stunning.

And Heather below.

The couple in the foreground got engaged before our very eyes. They had a very suspicious nice table, chairs, champagne, and flutes. Girl starts crying and then runs over and hugs him. After this shot we see the ring go on. Very cool.

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