Thursday, July 10, 2008

Today's Observations

A few interesting observations today:

1) Chinese post-offices are very confusing. But a nice lady came up to me and said "HelloIspeakEnglishdoyouneedsomehelp?" After a moment blinking, I said (in Chinese) "Oh! I speak some bad Chinese, but I'd still love the help." She helped me find stamps. It was difficult.

2) I went to the food market today, and it had no prices anyhwere, so I was expecting to haggle like crazy. But I walked past the people yelling at me ("Hello! Oranges!"), and got to the people that looked at me with an earnest curiosity as to whether I was going to competently purchase their wares. I approached them, and politely asked them the prices of different meats/vegetables/etc, and they _didn't rip me off_. I thought about it, and said "no, no, this is a fair price." I didn't even have to haggle. It was strange. But I got some good stuff for cheap.

3) I got spit on again, turning a corner. The guy didn't even apologise. I don't know if he noticed.

4) Jamacian people speaking Chinese is _awesome_.

5) Being helpful is also awesome.

6) There's no domestic peanut butter. It's all imported, and really darn expensive. Drat.

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